Réseau AireServices Europe's No. 1 installer of sites for campervans & vans with 

Bandeau Réseau Aireservices Bonne route!

Mission accomplished!
In the presence of Mr Xavier COADIC (initiator of the project and deputy mayor in charge of Tourism, Heritage and Shops), Mr Denis RAPINEL mayor of Dol de Bretagne, a member of parliament from St Malo, Mrs Fabienne ESSIRARD president of the shopkeepers' union, a local councillor, the manager of the Biocoop and a correspondent from the newspaper Ouest-France, we were the manager of the Biocoop and a correspondent from the newspaper Ouest-France, we were 6 representatives of the AOCC (Marthe and Michel PAPAIL, Gisèle and Henri DOUET, Michelle and Gérard CAZARD), at the inauguration of the new service area in Dol de Bretagne, on Saturday 30 April 2022.

Correspondent for the Airepak Network
